My earliest memory was from when I was very young, only two or three years old. I was lying in bed. I didn’t want to go to sleep, and I had snuck out of bed several times and my mom had come back in the room and put me back in my bed and firmly told me to go to sleep. The light under the door had gone out, so I suppose my mother had finally gone to bed herself. I was about to get back out of bed when the door slowly creaked open. My grandmother entered the room and walked over to my bed. She placed her hand on my forehead and shushed me. I fell right to sleep.
I was relaying this story to my mother several years later. She turned to me, her face white, and she said, “But grandma never came to our house. I took you to see her a few times, but she died when you were two.”
Logically, I knew that grandma had died before I should be able to remember her, so I don’t know who I saw that night, but I’m sure it was her.
What about you? What’s your earliest memory? Share it in the comments.
This post is part of the 2018 MFRW Weekly Blog Post Challenge. You can read all my posts in the challenge for 2018 here.